

Robertify implements an interface for the bot to regular give you reminders at the time you set it.


The timezone the bot uses is EST, so keep that in mind when making your reminders.

Creating a Reminder

Reminders can be sent in either a specific text channel in a server, or you can have them sent in your direct messages. In order to create a reminder you must run the reminders add command with the reminder and the time the bot should remind you.

  • If you would like the reminder to be sent in a specific channel, you must mention the channel in the command; if not you can leave the channel option blank.

  • If you would like the reminder to be sent in a specific timezone, you may add the timezone option to your argument list.

The format of the time is HH:MM where HH is the hour and MM is the minute. You can provider either 12 or 24 hour time.

Valid timezones include: UTC, EST, CST, MST, PST, GMT, BST, CET, EET, IST, JST, NZST, AEST, ACST, AWST

For example, if you wanted to be reminded at 12:00 PM in a specific channel you would run the following command:

> /reminders add [time:]12:00PM [reminder:]This is my reminder [channel:]#general

If you would like that same reminder to be in your direct messages you would run the following command:

> /reminders add [time:]12:00PM [reminder:]This is my reminder

If you would like that same reminder to be in your direct messages in a different timezone you would run the following command:

> /reminders add [time:]12:00PM [reminder:]This is my reminder [timezone:]EST

Viewing Reminders

You can view all your reminders you've set in a server by running the reminders list command. It is from here you will be able to see your reminder IDs.

Removing Reminders

You can delete a reminder by running the reminders remove command with the ID of the command passed as a required argument.

If you would like to remove all your reminders you can run the reminders clear command.