Restricted Channels

Restricted Channels

Restricted channels provide, as the name suggests, restricted access to the bot. Meaning commands and/or features will only be available in channels you configure.

Server admins and users with the ROBERTIFY_ADMIN permission will still be able to use commands anywhere and have the bot join whichever channel.

Updating Restricted Channels


Before setting restricted voice or text channels you should ensure the restrictedvoice or restrictedtext toggle is enabled. You can read more about how to do that here.

You can set restricted channels by running the /restricted channels add command with the channel as the argument. Upon doing this, it will be made that Robertify will only be allowed to join the channel you set. You can set as many channels as you'd like.

You can remove a restricted voice channel by running the /restricted channels remove command with the channel as the argument.

You can list all your restricted voice channels by running the /restricted channels list command.

This command works for both message and audio channels.
