Controlling the Player

Controlling the Player

With Robertify, you are given a wide range of commands to control the player. This is all for the purpose of making your experience with Robertify a true personal and customized once.

All commands shown under this section are considered "Audio Commands". These commands can be toggled to be DJ only.

Skipping a Track

You can easily skip the current track being played by running the /skip command.

Skipping to a Specific Track

You can skip to a specific track by running the /skip command with the ID of the track to skip to as the argument.

You can find the ID of tracks by looking in the first column in the queue.


Vote Skips

To enable vote skips the skip command must be set to a DJ-only command and the voteskips toggle must be enabled. When a non-dj user attempts to skip a song, a prompt will come up requesting that users in the voice channel vote to skip. The track will be skipped when more than 50% of the channel has voted to do so.

  • To learn more about setting DJs, click here.
  • To learn more about setting DJ toggles, click here.
  • To learn more about enabling the voteskips toggle, click here.

DJs will be able to skip the tracks without the need for a vote.

Stopping a Track

You can stop a track by running the /stop command. This will not only stop the currently played track, but will also clear the queue.

Clearing the Queue

You can clear the queue by running the /clear command.

Pausing Tracks

You can pause the track being currently played by running the /pause command.

Resuming Tracks

You can resume the currently paused track by running the /resume command.

Moving Tracks

You can move tracks by locating the ID of the track you want to move, then the position you want to move it to in the queue. Once you have done this, you can run the /move command.


Please note that when you move tracks, the positioning of the queue will change, meaning the IDs will change. Please be wary of this when attempting to move another track.

Example 2

Rewinding Tracks

You can rewind a track to the beginning by running the /rewind command.

Going to a Previous Track

You can go back to the track previously played by running the /previous command.

Removing Tracks

You can remove a specific track by running the /remove command with the ID of the track as the argument. For example, if you would like to remove a track with the ID 1 you would run the following command:

> /remove 1

Fast-Forwarding Tracks

You can jump to a specific place in the track by running the /seek or /jump command.


This command allows you to jump to a time-specific position in the current track. The arguments are in the form hours minutes seconds.

For example, if you want to skip to the position 2:34 in a song, the command would look like: /seek 0 2 34.



If you don't want to provide an absolute position, the jump command allows you to fast-forward relative to the current position. The argument it accepts are seconds.

For example, if you want to jump 30 seconds from the current position in the song, the command would look like: /jump 30.


Looping Tracks

You can easily set a track to be looped by running the /loop track command. Once you have set a track to loop, it will continue looping until you have toggled it off, the player has been stopped, the bot has been disconnected or disabling the loop. You can disable the loop by running the /loop track command again.

Looping the Queue

You can loop an entire queue by running the /loop queue command. Once you have set a queue to loop, it will continue looping until you have toggled it off, the player has been stopped, the bot has been disconnected or disabling the loop. You can disable the loop by running the /loop queue command again.

Force Joins

You can force the bot to join your current voice channel by running the /join command.

Force Disconnects

You can force the bot to leave your current voice channel by running the /disconnect command.

Changing Global Volume

You can change the volume of the bot by running the /volume command. This command accepts an argument that accepts any number in the range 0-100, with 0 being silent and 100 being the loudest.


Robertify has a number of filters you can play around with. These include:

  • Karaoke
  • Tremolo
  • Vibrato
  • 8d
  • Nightcore

Each one of these can be toggled on with the command format /<filter>. For example, if you would like to enable the 8d filter you would run the /8d command. You would run the same command to toggle the filter off.

24/7 Mode

By default, Robertify is set to disconnect from a voice channel after 5 minutes of inactivity. If you would like to turn this feature off, you can enable 24/7 mode which allows the bot to stay in a voice channel forever until it's disconnected.

You can enable/disable 24/7 mode by running the /247 command.


On restarts, the bot will be disconnected from your voice channel.

Auto Play

Auto Play enables the bot to add recommended tracks to your queue based off the last track it played. The bot will queue up to 10 tracks and keep doing so once it's reached the end of the queue.

The feature is only enabled for Spotify tracks.
