

Robertify has its own permission system where each member or role in your server can have a specific permission.


It goes without saying that everything in this section is admin-only.

ROBERTIFY_ADMINThis allows users to access every feature the bot has to offer. Users with this permission node can't be banned from anything. They will by pass restricted channels and DJ toggles.
ROBERTIFY_DJThis allows users to access DJ only features.
ROBERTIFY_THEMESThis allows users to access the theme command.
ROBERTIFY_BANThis allows users to access the ban command. Users with this permission can't be banned.
ROBERTIFY_POLLSThis allows users to access the poll command.
ROBERTIFY_8BALLThis allows users to add responses to the 8ball feature. It also allows the removal of responses.

Managing Permissions

You can manage permissions by using the /permissions command. However, there are other commands to simplify the process.

The Permissions Command

Role Permissions

Adding a permission to a role can be done with the /permissions add role command with the role and the permission as arguments. For example, if I want to add ROBERTIFY_ADMIN to my Admin role the command would be /permissions add role Admin ROBERTIFY_ADMIN.

If you are a server admin you will already have access to the ROBERTIFY_ADMIN permission.


User Permissions

Adding a permission to a user is similar to adding a permission to a role. The command that is to be used is the /permission add user command with the user and the permission as arguments. With Discord's slash commands, it's made easier than ever to select a user. All you have to do is enter their username and select them from the list provided.


Removing Permissions

You can remove a permission by executing the /permissions remove role or /permissions remove user commands with role role or user as the argument.

Listing Permissions

You can list all permissions granted to each role/user by executing the /permissions list permissions command. You can then narrow this down by running the /permissions list role or /permissions list user command.

The DJ Command

The setdj, listdj and removedj commands are dedicated to managing DJ roles and users. It makes it easier to set your users as DJs or not.

For the setdj and removedj there are two sub commands; role and user. Meaning, if you would like to set a new DJ role you would run the command /setdj role with the role being the argument. The same would apply to removing a DJ. The listdj command requires so additional subcommand or argument.
